What Role Does Polygon Image Annotation Play in Project Success?

4 min readJan 25, 2022


A machine learning model’s quality is determined by the data used to train it. Data labelling is critical in this context if you want to develop a high-performing model for your project.

Polygon Image Annotation
Annotation Play in Project Success

Machine learning models are taught by repeatedly exposing them to training data, such as image or video annotation data. There are a lot of picture annotation techniques like polygon image annotation, cuboid annotation and among others to choose from, but you don’t have to use them all.

What Is Polygonal Image Annotation?

We use this technique to draw an accurate polygons around things of interest to label oddly shaped elements. Automated object recognition frequently employs polygon image annotation. It’s especially beneficial when the items you’re trying to identify have a more complicated form and require more precise labeling than bounding box. Any raw data may be turned into precisely labeled datasets suitable to train machine learning algorithms using Cogito Tech image polygon annotation services.

Use Cases

  • Medical: Using CT images to outline the structure of internal organs
  • Obtaining exact building footprints is geospatial.
  • Automobiles: identifying car damage and estimating repair costs
  • Using a centrifuge to get exact liquid estimates in the workplace
  • Plant growth is monitored in agriculture.
  • Detecting goods in a shopper’s basket in retail

How Does Image Recognition Work With Polygon Annotation?

Bounding boxes are quick and easy to use, but they have trouble with irregular shapes. When it comes to real-life circumstances, irregular forms outnumber their regular counterparts by a large margin.

In comparison to bounding boxes, which are confined to rectangles and squares, polygon annotation captures more lines and angles. In practice, this requires pinpointing exact locations on the screen where vertices should be plotted. Polygon annotation allows annotators to change the orientation of an item as needed to better reflect its true geometry.

After mapping an object with a polygon annotation tool, the annotator assigns a descriptive label to it. This label is crucial since it informs the machine about the contents of the polygon annotation. When a picture or video isn’t correctly labeled, it typically results in erroneous data.

Other Annotation Techniques

polygon mesh in computer graphics
Annotation Techniques

Below are some other most common image annotation types:

1. 3D Cuboids Image Annotation

Cuboid annotation is the process of using cuboids to label items in 2D images. The 3D cuboids image annotations aid in determining the depth of things such as automobiles, people, and buildings.

Cuboid Annotation is a technique for creating a three-dimensional virtual environment using two-dimensional data recorded by cameras. The 3D cuboidal training data is used to train Cuboid Detection models, which assist in locating and predicting the posture of objects of interest in the environment.

2. Landmark Annotation

Landmark point annotation is used to make the human face identifiable to machines, which aids in the efficient construction of computer vision that values “attention to detail.”

Dots or points are utilized to cover the full face, allowing computers to measure the face’s dimensions and other attributes, which may then be saved for subsequent use when the same face comes in front of the computer vision.

The most common use of landmark annotation is to precisely detect the face for AI models that employ visual perception as a function. This technology is used by smartphones and AI cameras to detect human faces and confirm entrance.

3. Bounding Boxes

A bounding box is a hypothetical rectangle that serves as a reference point for object recognition and creates a collision box for that object.

These rectangles are drawn over pictures by data annotators, who define the X and Y coordinates of the item of interest inside each image. This helps machine learning algorithms identify what they’re looking for, determine collision pathways, and save computational resources.

In deep learning, bounding boxes are one of the most often used picture annotation approaches. This approach can save money and improve annotation efficiency when compared to other image processing methods.

4. Line Annotation

Line annotations are one of the most used annotation kinds, and they’re great for things like highlighting significant parts of your text, charting the process flow, and adding some flair. Their simplicity of use, on the other hand, betrays their variety and underlying complexity.

Labeling is Crucial to Project Success

The key to every successful computer vision project, whether it’s edge AI, machine learning, video analytics, or image analytics, is choosing the correct image annotation tools. The ideal approach is to select the kind that best fits your specific use case or project scenario. Keep in mind that the optimal data annotation procedure is one that ensures the highest level of quality and accuracy in the model’s final deployment.




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